Enrollments to this course: No
Notification used: Iscrizione FAD
Non-access to this course: No
Notification used: Non accès aux cours par défaut
Events link to this course: No
Take into account access restrictions to activities: No
Ignore "date" type restrictions: No
Ignore "group" type restrictions: No
Notification used: Evènement de cours par défaut
Enrollments to this course: No
Notification used: Iscrizione FAD
Non-access to this course: No
Notification used: Non accès aux cours par défaut
Events link to this course: No
Take into account access restrictions to activities: No
Ignore "date" type restrictions: No
Ignore "group" type restrictions: No
Notification used: Evènement de cours par défaut

Enrollments to this course: No
Notification used: Iscrizione FAD
Non-access to this course: No
Notification used: Non accès aux cours par défaut
Events link to this course: No
Take into account access restrictions to activities: No
Ignore "date" type restrictions: No
Ignore "group" type restrictions: No
Notification used: Evènement de cours par défaut

Le infezioni delle vie urinarie (IVU) sono le seconde più frequenti malattie infettive batteriche diffuse in popolazioni comunitarie e ospedaliere. A causa della loro alta prevalenza e diffusione rappresentano un problema di salute pubblica che assume particolare rilevanza per l’alto consumo di antibiotici e la conseguente selezione e diffusione di ceppi batterici antibiotico resistenti.

Enrollments to this course: No
Notification used: Iscrizione FAD
Non-access to this course: No
Notification used: Non accès aux cours par défaut
Events link to this course: No
Take into account access restrictions to activities: No
Ignore "date" type restrictions: No
Ignore "group" type restrictions: No
Notification used: Evènement de cours par défaut
Enrollments to this course: No
Notification used: Iscrizione FAD
Non-access to this course: No
Notification used: Non accès aux cours par défaut
Events link to this course: No
Take into account access restrictions to activities: No
Ignore "date" type restrictions: No
Ignore "group" type restrictions: No
Notification used: Evènement de cours par défaut